I am trying to build a site and I admit that I am fairly new to Webdesign. I started with Suffusion and Customizr themes, both are very good but lack something each…
I had a choice to have two column layout in Header in both those themes, I place logo in left header area, and I place Site Title, Tag line and other info or a special widget in right header area.
I found that in Nirvana theme, I can place a widget in right header area, but it does not seem responsive. Which may be due to the fact that the header area is not actually designed as two/three column layout. When I placed a widget in right header area, it is not moving below header logo when I shrink the width of the site.
Besides, the wiget placed in this area is covering the site tagline. The tagline is not restricted to left half/column when I activate the right widget area and place a widget there.
Please suggest me how to achieve this…