copy of Mantra (new folder) still living on original Mantra folder settings

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  • #14910

    Hi guys, thanks for this beatiful theme. I am kinda new to WordPress, but I am trying to learn fast. What I am trying to do is have a duplicate copy of your theme, so that I can try out new ideas without messing with a “stable” design. So what I’ve done is:
    – created a folder for the theme duplicate insidee of /themes folder
    – uploaded mantra theme in there
    – changed the theme name in style.css to reflect the new name (and folder name)
    Then I notice a weird issue: if I change the layout slider for main/side element-width in theme settings, the changes are also applied to the original theme, and viceversa, if I change settings for original theme, they are also applied to the copy.
    I’ve looked around inside theme files, looking for a hard-reference to /mantra folder but I could not find it, or maybe did not have luck at it.. I’m also not exactly an ace with PHP so I thought I’d better ask you.. 🙂 Yep.. waiting for a clue.. Thanks!

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You cannot do this. You’ll need to replace every occurrence of the “mantra” word in all of Mantra’s files to something else.
    It would be easier to create a child theme –

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