Content blocks transparency

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  • #37342

    Is it possible, and if so, how, to make the content or post background to be transparent, so the background can be seen through the post?

    I have used this code background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.7); in other themes, for the main content wrapper, and it worked fine, but can’t seem to find the right css module to add this to,

    Thanks in advance


    UPDATE: In reading a non related FAQ question regarding colors I think I found the solution, which kind of blew me away. By simply deleting the background color code in the theme panel, the background becomes transparent, which worked for me.

    Certainly a much easier approach too, than messing with the CSS.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Indeed all the background colour fields can be left empty to remove those areas backgrounds (and make them transparent to their next parent element).

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