Column Pictures on Presentation Page distorted

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  • #3708

    On the Presentation Page, there are up to four columns that can be placed under the main rotating slide show. Each of them allows for a picture. In any case where I don’t specify a picture URL, the border remains (which the border itself acts as a link to the home page, and sometimes I keep accidentally clicking ing, but I like having the border there especially on mobile devices). When I do specify a picture, the height is statically defined in the Mantra settings, but the width is fluid (set to 100% of the containing div). Because of that, the pictures always end up distorted, especially on large monitors or when I use less then four columns. With some custom CSS, I can correct for this, but it would be great if I didn’t need to do that.


    I have the same problem and don’t know how to fix this (since I’m pretty new to all the CSS stuff). So if you have found your solution “with some custom CSS” I would be very glad if you could share it here – maybe I can learn!
    Thank you in advance 🙂


    I have exactly the same promème but only with Internet Explorer 8

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