Changes in the 1.5 update

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  • #69156
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Nirvana v1.5 includes several structural changes that can cause issues with your site when using a child theme:

    • We’ve completely rewritten styles enqueues (to bring the functionality up to date with WordPress coding standards and improve child themes support) – however this change also means that existing child themes will partially malfunction after the 1.5 update.
      If you’re using our NoLink child theme, you can find the updated version in your account.
      Depending on the complexity of your child theme the update will simply require that you edit your child theme to use the new styling enqueue methods or may require a complete child theme rewrite.
      If you notice styling issues (like missing fonts, incorrect layout) after the update because the styles get loaded in the wrong order, edit your child theme and replace the existing enqueues with:
      // enqueue parent theme styling
      function child_parent_styling(){
      	wp_enqueue_style( 'nirvana-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array(), _CRYOUT_THEME_VERSION );  // restore parent stylesheet
      	wp_enqueue_style( 'nirvana-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array( 'nirvana-style' ), '0.7' ); // enqueue child 
    • We’ve rewritten and rearrange the code generating the presentation page. If you have customized this functionality in your child theme, it may need updating.
    • Several theme settings (colors, images) have new defaults – these will not take effect on existing sites, but if you’re still using the theme’s example presentation page images you’ll notice these changed.
    • We’ve also slightly adjusted some of the theme’s styling (spacing, margins, font sizes). Depending on your existing configuration you might also notice these.

    If you’re seeing anything unusual after performing the update and you’re not using a child theme, clear your plugin’s cache (if you’re using one) and force refresh the browser.

    If you’re still having trouble after performing the described solution steps, don’t hesitate to start a topic or contact our support service.

    If you’re not happy with the 1.5 changes there’s also the option of reverting to the previous theme release. WordPress does not include an integrated solution for the procedure, however it can be done using the Rollback plugin:

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    The update killed my site.
    I’m using Cryout and can’t figure out the correct file to add the above code to. Can you give me a little direction please?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The enqueueing code is normally found in the child theme’s functions.php file.

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    Hi Zed, With the update my font size went small and some formatting changed – dot points in About slant to right.
    I tried adding suggested text to Nirvana Child Theme: Theme Functions (functions.php) but it made the site worse, I lost my fonts, and it made no difference to font sizes, or formatting

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @dihooper, you have the entire parent theme styling in the child theme’s style.css file. Since the order the styles are loaded in is parent, options-generated, child (it has always been this way), this results in the old (now outdated) styling overwriting the correct one. You need to clean up your child theme style.css file to contain only the customized CSS.

    The 1.5 release does include small changes to font sizes (some to the defaults, so they don’t apply to an already configured site, some to the actual values applied), spaces/paddings and general looks. Such changes are obviously visible after the update. You can use the theme’s typography options to slightly adjust the values.

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    Thanks Zed, but how do I do that?


    We’ve gone through and cleaned up file but font size still tiny. Ive gotten rid of the dot points on my About page, so they aren’t misaligning.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @dihooper, you’re setting the general font size to 12px in the child theme:

    body, input, select, textarea {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	line-height: 1.5;

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    Thanks Zed, will check it out


    ok, if I make font size 18px what should line height be?
    Im looking at lines 51 and 52 is that correct?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You can remove those both as they duplicate (and overlap) styling already present in the theme (generated based on the configured options)

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    We’re back in business – You’ve been a wonderful help. Thank you Zed.


    Sorry Zed, now I’m having trouble with image size in R sidebar widget. My bio photo


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Which image size is used in that widget? Try changing to a larger size.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    I added the code to the functions.php in the nirvana theme but it still won’t come up.

    Server Error

    500 – Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.


    Hi Zed, I’ve replaced bio (Di Hooper) image with 500×500, so quality is better, but I would love to go back to pre-update size of widget image box. It was about one sixth the size of current widget box. What do I do to change that?



    I meant to add this to previous message:
    pre-update I had a 291×334 image contained in a small widget box – and it was perfect!

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The current widget/image size on your site is 350×350, so an image this size will suffice to avoid blurriness.

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    I’m using a child theme so I’ll adjust the enqueuing shortly but after updating, I’m getting:
    Cannot redeclare nirvana_ppslider()
    previously declared in
    /wp-content/themes/nirvana-child/frontpage.php on line 174

    Sorry but I can’t supply the URL because it’s still in development in a protected directory.


    How do I change widget image size on site to 150×150. or smaller? I don’t want a big image. It used to be very small and I liked it that way.



    all good 🙂 The error only persisted while I had the old version of frontpage.php in my child theme directory.

    I copied the new nirvana/frontpage.php to the child theme (and merged my original changes) so everything is looking great again.

    While I’m here… Nirvana has to be one of the very best WordPress themes out there for tech-savvy and non-tech personnel alike. Amazing work!

    Thanks, guys!

    All the best from Scotland


    I’ve updated the theme and since than I have troubles with RTL issues. For example- the menues order has changed.
    How do I change it back?
    I don’t think I have a child-theme on my site



    The new theme updated messed up all of my formatting. I am beyond infuriated with your team. I have my final meeting and presentation for this website in a few hours and now I have to try reformat and customize everything back to the way it was.

    What’s worse, is that the changes I have made to the site in Nirvana Settings are not even showing on the live site. Social Media icons not the colour that they are set in the settings. Header height is not 200px like it is set to be. Page titles won’t go away even though they are set to ‘hide’.

    Please fix this ASAP, you’ve ruined by website and I can’t even change it back to how it should be.


    Power User

    Nirvana v1.5 in so longer responsive ? I’m using your NoLink und I’m using a child theme and all is OK, but the site is now unresponsive on the mibile devices, why ?


    Power User

    sorry, fixed only making “enabled responsive” in the theme’s settings (under Layout).

    Heikki Penttinen
    Power User


    I’m using non-link version and all other is ok, but widgets are not animated anymore. Animation is on but shows just text below image.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Heikki, please download and install the latest NoLink child theme available from your account.

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    Power User

    Good day,

    my image in the sidebar also refused to work the same way as before the update. It got hungry: Now the text I had underneath is in the picture.

    I already emptied my cache, both by using a WP plugin and by removing all browser cache, then tried F5 a couple of times. Not a change.

    Edit: I was able to fix it by putting the text into a div element.

    Kind regards,


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by naomi.



    since the update my “About” widget displays the text inside the picture and not below. The text comes from the link to the About Page. Can you please tell me how to fix that? Thanks, Polly


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Pollybert.
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