Can't use mantra settings

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  • #5014

    Hi there.  Can’t change/edit Mantra Settings at all.  Menus don’t activate/drop down.  No arrows nothing.  No way to modify anything.

    Same experience on Mac and PC on modern browsers.


    Thank you.Jessica



    I have the same issue. Installing was easy, but when I enter the Mantra settings page in WP I am not able to click any button. Nothing happens.
    This happens in Internet Explorer as well as in Firefox.
    I am using the latest version of WP and Mantra 2.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Please see question D6 in the FAQs.

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    Tried all suggestions in FAQ D6. I never used version previos to 2.0. Also deleted all plug-ins. Re-installed WP. To no avail.


    Same problem here!

    After last update the ‘Mantra Settings version 2’ doesn’t work. Unclickable.

    Please resolve this problem soon because we really like the theme!


    Se ha actualizado el Mantra (hace unos minutos) y ahora no funciona la configuración.

    Agradecería respuesta rápida


    Ricky Bridge

    Hi, im using wordpress & mantra theme last versions. After installations all works good, but when i reconfigure the colours of theme (i think this is may be reason) a few hours later my web-site’s mantra settings being un-use, i can not do anything with theme and im getting this error:

    “There’s a problem with your WordPress jQuery library. This can have several causes, including incompatible plugins.
    The Mantra Settings page cannot function without jQuery. You need to fix this issue before you can configure Mantra.”

    If i delete wordpress all files in ftp and then reinstall, this problem resolving… But i wanna know the exact reason of this error and wanna fix it how? If it is not about Mantra please can you give me an advise to resolve this problem.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You all need to use your browser’s web development tools to figure out what’s causing the javascript conflits/errors. Then (maybe) trace the issue to a particular plugin you are each using… and disable that.

    Or do this the maniac way and disable all plugins, check that the settings page works again, then re-enable plugins one by one until the settings page starts failing again.

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    I had the same problem with Mantra, but after I updated WordPress to 3.5.1, I found a new feature in Mantra “Customize”. I was able to use it instead of the old “Mantra Settings”. Hope it helps.


    I’m having the same issue. I’m using Mantra version 2.0.2 according to me settings page but can’t get the setting options to open. “Customize” doesn’t give me all the options I want. I’ve tried disabling all my plug ins but still nothing. Any ideas on how I can fix it?


    Cannot upload new banners for the front page or for bottom widgets. I am using an iPad to do most of the work. Didnt know if there was another way to edit.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Did everyone with the non-functional settings page try the procedure underlined in question D6?

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    All was good here until I just upgraded to WP 3.52
    The Mantra Settings stopped opening then.

    When I run a developer plugin, yes see jquery errors but they seem related to mantra.

    Reinstalled WP but this did not change the issue.

    Deactivated recently installed plugins, still have the issue.

    Any other clues? What does it take to roll back to a pre-2.0 Mantra?

    thanks much


    Hi everyone,

    I’ve had the same problem with Mantra theme. I went on the maniac way… and discovered that the problem got solved by disabling the Simple Ajax Contact Form plugin.



    I am having the same issue. I have the latest ordPress 3.7.1. and have just installed Mantra v 2.2.1 by Cryout Creations.

    On wp-admin/themes.php?page=mantra-page I have the error:

    “If this message remains visible after the page has loaded then there is a problem with your WordPress jQuery library. This can have several causes, including incompatible plugins.
    The Mantra Settings page cannot function without jQuery. You need to fix this issue before you can configure Mantra.”

    I have the following installed plugins *But NONE activated:
    AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild Version 1.09 | By junkcoder
    Akismet Version 2.5.9 | By Automattic
    Post Tabs Version 2.9.2 | By Leo Germani
    WP Spry Menu Version 1.5.2 | By takien
    WPtouch Mobile Plugin Version | By BraveNewCode Inc.

    Is it perhaps a problem with CHMOD on file directories as I have had that high security server issue before …

    What else can I check to fix this error?

    Thanks for your support,


    In reply to my post 24 hours ago, I reinstalled wordpress 3.7.1 and reinstalled mantra theme, and deleted all plugins. Still the menu wouldn’t load and the pink warning remained.

    I think I have now found out a possible error. The page timed out loading the ‘Import/Export Settings’ and ‘Mantra Latest News’ sidebar boxes. Because of this the page didn’t fully load but stopped ‘spinning’. I am not sure why this sidebar is needed or why it wouldn’t load on this particular page, more importantly why my server timed out loading it. Anyway, today those sidebar bits loaded ok after about 20-30 seconds and then the pink warning disappeared and the menu toggles work.

    What is the process to load the import/export? Is it looking at my settings or importing something from an external website? Perhaps that website is blocked in China (where I am)?

    So, that may be an issue to look into?


    I have found in /wp-content/themes/mantra/admin/main.php there is a section there to load the latest news on the mantra settings page. This was causing the page load on /wp-admin/themes.php?page=mantra-page to slow down or time out. Because the access to the was slow or blocked from within China. While I realise this fix is probably not the issue for most users I found simply removing the whole div dramatically improved the speed load. Lines 327 to 351, as below.

    327 <div class=”postbox news” >
    351 </div><!– news –>

    It may be worth a try to see if this helps the jquery load faster.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    jQuery only executes after the page finishes loading. If your site locks up at loading the news content, the jQUery never executes and the theme settings page doesn’t work.

    This is a weird issue you’re encountering, and nobody else reported a problem with loading the theme news before. Your server might be blocking outgoing http connections via PHP. We’ll look for a solution (or try a shorter timeout).

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    Wordpress version :3.6
    Mantra version : 2.2.2
    No pluggins

    same JQuery problem :
    “If this message remains visible after the page has loaded then there is a problem with your WordPress jQuery library. This can have several causes, including incompatible plugins.
    The Mantra Settings page cannot function without jQuery. You need to fix this issue before you can configure Mantra.”

    And In the News about Mantra:
    “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/154/sda/3/a/a.sandbox/wp-includes/SimplePie/Misc.php on line 2173”
    corresponding to :
    foreach (glob($root . ‘/SimplePie/*.php’) as $file)

    Any idea for help please ?


    @ Andy : I try your method (delete from line 327 to line 351), and it worked fine for me.
    It appears my host provider is blocking all RSS flux.
    Thank for the tips!

    All is resolved for me

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We’ll try to add a graceful failure for news grabbing in the next update.

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.


    Another user here where the Mantra Settings won’t pulldown or otherwise display. I have just now installed and activated Mantra (v2.3.0) and am using WordPress 3.1.4, since that is the one provided by my host provider as the latest version that’s stable with their PHP server.

    The response to Question D6 notes the following:
    “If you are using WordPress older than 3.5, please update to the latest version. If you cannot update, use Mantra or wait for 2.0.4 to be released (which will include a compatibility layer).”

    This sounds like v2.3.0 should have the compatibility layer, too, so my WP 3.1.4 should not be a problem. Yet here I am, stuck.

    Is this still a situation where plugins might be an issue? I’m using Firefox.


    Following up……………
    I have been unable to fix this problem in IE, Firefox, or Chrome, regardless of what I do with plugins. In all browsers, the menu bars will turn white when I mouseover them, but do nothing when I click them.

    What else should I look for??

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Mantra 2.3.0 actually requires WordPress 3.5, but will partially work on 3.4 as well.
    3.1 is a very old version and unfortunately we can no longer support it. And running such an outdated version is never a good idea security wise.

    But if you really have to, try Mantra 1.7.0

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    Zed, thanks.

    Do you know: What’s the highest version of WordPress that is compatible with PHP version 5.3.13 ?


    Another follow-up…

    I checked with my host provider, who told me PHP 5.3.13 was what I was trying to make WP compatible with. However, it turns out the PHP on *my* account was only 5.2. Version 5.3 was merely *available* — so, now I have installed it. And having done that, I got the option to upgrade WP to 3.7.1. And having done *that*… my MANTRA is working. 🙂


    Hi Zed,

    The mantra-settings page loads much faster now after the update to Mantra v 2.3.0. And the news loads as well, even in China. Excellent.

    Keep working your magic


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