Bug when trying to submit a comment

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  • #8620

    When you are trying to leave a comment in my blog, the space for name, mail, and website its under the box that you use for writing the text, so it’s impossible to fill them.
    Check if, at the end of here (when you are not logged): http://spainlabs.com/analisis-del-calibre-de-dealextreme/

    Any kind of solution? What file can I try to edit to fix it?


    i found the problem. the problem was the “Crayon Syntax Highlighter” plugin. But i think too many sites is useing it, not sure why it is not compatible.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I’m using Crayon Syntax Highlighter on my personal blog and I haven’t encountered this issue.

    Could you re-create the issue so I can have a look at it?

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