bug on diaporama Presentation Page

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  • #13325


    Since yesterday, i do have a big problem on my presentation page. The diaporama doesn’t want any picture. It’s like it is searching for the picture, and in the settings, impossible to connect picture, the field stays empty anyway.
    I deleted all the diaporama’s picture at the same time in order to replace, but since then it’s not working any more.
    Sorry for my english, i’m french,..

    kelly Richardson

    I am having the same problem and are waiting for an answer too…. I am impatient and may search for another theme if this can’t get resolved soon- but really prefer this one, thanks 🙂 patiently waiting….

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Try typing in the slide images URLs manually (after getting them from the Library).
    This is an intermittent issue (as in it doesn’t occur for everyone) which’s cause we haven’t pinpointed yet. We are still investigating.

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