Blog Style Pages – No Header Image?

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  • #106784

    Our Blog page (currently hidden but accessible via the footer menu) and Portfolio (Jetpack) pages will not display the featured image in the header section. I have tried a variety of images, many of which will work if used on any other static page.

    I am using a child theme so any minor code tweaks will persist through updates. However, this problem is identical using the parent theme.

    Thanks for any help!


    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by flabeachbum. Reason: Added Clarity
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Does the site have a general header image set? The search page appears to indicate that it doesn’t.

    When a general header image is set, that image will be used on the blog section (this is a special section for which WordPress ignores any page attributes set on the placeholder page) and on the ‘portfolio’ section (which appears to be a standard posts archive, not a static page using Jetpack’s portfolio shortcodes).
    The featured image in the header functionality is only available for individual posts and individual static pages that display their actual content (and are not placeholders).

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    I just loaded a site-wide general header image, and that did indeed load on those pages, while maintaining the featured image in the header on all of the others.

    Thank you for the help!

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