If you go to the post here http://wetdynamite.com/2015/01/16/daily-blow-1162015/ and scroll down to the image of the guy on a bike with 2 prosthetic legs you will see it is full size. Click it to view attachment page or go here http://wetdynamite.com/2015/01/16/daily-blow-1162015/32-42/
Notice the attachment page has complete cropped this image so that you cannot tell what it is. This only happens every so often. If you click on any of the other images in the post, they are fine. But I have seen this behavior before and nothing I change in settings, clearing system cache, deleting and uploading the image again fixes it. No plugins are causing this. We rely on the attachment page for individual photo shares to social media. This photo obvious would never be shared.
Any thoughts? Thank you for your time.