January 17th, 2013 at 01:24 #3115
The current presentation page configuration is quite nice and configurable but is mostly static…I guess that’s the point really….
There is also a general lack in WordPress of tools to display your content in various ways (which is kind of strange)…
In my search for a WordPress theme (migrating a site from Joomla) I have found Mantra to be the most versatile and user-friendly and the top choice.
But for the frontpage per se, there is an alternate configuration I have come across, in another theme, which I think is quite tasteful…
It pulls posts from various categories and showcases them in a nice way, with the most recent post getting most of the real estate and others presented with small thumbnails around it. Also features a carousel and a top section which would be great for sticky posts
I know it is politically incorrect to point to another group’s theme, but I think it would take Mantra to the very top level (standing shoulder to shoulder with premium commercial themes), if it complemented its existing versatility with an alternative configuration for the frontpage.
The theme I am talking about is SilverOrchid here http://gazpo.com/2012/04/silverorchid/
I have found this HOW TO for a jQuery script that would do something similar, have no idea how to implement it myself, though…don’t know if it makes antyhing (that is the adoption of the idea) any easier…
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