Adding video to text areas of presentation page

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  • #36064
    Juan P

    I found the way to post a video, in my case an mp4 video, using the video tag; the problem is that the template elliminates the “source” tags, and that’s why it does not load, so I had to use javascript to insert, dynamically, the tag, but as it is also forbiddeen in javascript, i had to past the code as follows:

    in the Javascript section – the engine will remove the whole source tag, so i added two tags, the inner one wil be elliminated leaving the other one valid:

    document.getElementById(“HomeVideo”).innerHTML = “<source <source src=”VideoPATH/my video.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″> src=’VideoPATH/my video.mp4′ type=’video/mp4′>”;

    Note: replace the cahracter ” with ‘

    and in the text section you must add the video tag with the ID that will be used – example:
    <video id=”HomeVideo” width=”1024″ height=”748″ autoplay muted loop>

    I hope you find this useful


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Or use a widget as shortcode plugin, place your HTML in a text widget in a custom widget area and then load that widget in the presentation page using the shortcodes provided by the plugin.

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