2.4 has broken my header

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  • #115123
    Power User

    Install 2.4 last night and it’s really not made my header images look good! I can’t get it to display at the correct height at all, despite what is set in the Parabola settings. A bit annoying, but will roll back to for now.

    Power User

    Indeed I’ve just compared and 2.4 and the newer version seems to break a few things including the header, but also fonts etc. Will stick with the former for now!


    Hello, I am having issues with 2.4.
    How can I roll back to

    Thank you


    If you have any CSS in the Parabola MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS, try taking it out and putting it in the WordPress Customiser Additional CSS. Cleared a few glitches for me..

    Power User

    Sadly that didn’t work for me, but nice idea!

    Power User

    I had the same problem – If you have a child theme, update to the latest version, as that worked for me.

    Power User

    I tried that, however my child theme is a self created one. I may just have to sit this update out!

    Power User

    Thats a shame that didn’t work. Hopefully you’ll figure a way around it.

    Could you add their child theme and migrate your settings across?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Chris.
    Power User

    I think that’ll be next. Cryout have kindly offered to have a look at my child theme to see if there’s anything obvious. Great service!

    Power User

    They are brilliant!

    Power User

    Well all sorted, huge thanks to Zed from support who tided up my custom functions.php and added the 2.4 functionality.


    Some guidance would be useful.. if I update the theme to 2.4, do I need to re-make my child theme or adjust it in any way?

    Cryout Creations mastermind


    Any styling/layout issues you may be seeing after updating an older install to 2.4.0 are probably due to using a child theme that will require updating for some code changes.
    There should be no issues observed if you’re not using a child theme.

    Previously, Parabola was using an action hooked into the wp_head hook to enqueue all its styles.
    Version 2.4.0 changes these enqueues to the proper wp_enqueue_scripts hook.

    If your child theme still uses the previous hook, then the necessary styles (main, options-generated, mobile and child theme’s) will be loaded in the incorrect order, causing default styles to override configured and custom ones. You will need to update the code in the child theme to be similar to the example below:

    // enqueue parent theme styling
    function child_parent_styling(){
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'parabola-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array(), _CRYOUT_THEME_VERSION );  // restore correct parent stylesheet
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'parabola-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array( 'parabola-style' ), '20210312' ); // enqueue child 

    The style identifier parabola-style should be present exactly with this name as there are secondary styles enqueued conditionally after it.

    If you are using our NoLink child theme, an updated version is available for download in the customer account.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Power User

    Just to echo what I said above, and have said to Zed privately, but huge thanks to him for the timely and efficient way he dealt with my problems after updating to 2.4. A perfect example of how customer service should be run!



    Sorry, I’m not clear on this, does the code block above replace all of the wp_enqueue_style code in the child theme’s functions.php ?

    As I don’t understand the PHP enqueuing stuff, would the same effect be achieved by moving all CSS from the Nirvana child them misc. settings into the WordPress Custom CSS?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @Ian-ITS: the code block above is an example of how the (child) theme’s enqueueing should look.
    If you’re only applying custom styling, WordPress’ Additional CSS field (or a CSS plugin) usually suffices. If you’re customizing (replacing) theme code, then a child theme is needed (some tweaks can also be implemented using a plugin instead).

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
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