Landing Page Slider¶
The options described below are located in the theme's Landing Page » Slider panel on the Customize screen.
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Controls the content of the slider section of the landing page. Can be configured to display:
- a Serious Slider (uses our Serious Slider plugin)
- any other slider via shortcode
- a banner image (default)
- the site-wide header image
- be disabled
Depending on the value selected here, additional configuration options become available.
Read the tutorial to learn how to use our Serious Slider plugin to create sliders.
Serious Slider¶
Slider selection¶
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
The list is automatically populated with configured Serious Sliders. These are provided by our separate Serious Slider plugin
Use Shortcode¶
Shortcode input¶
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Provided the ability to enter the shortcode of your favorite slider. The theme does not impose any styling or size limits on third party sliders, so make sure the used slider is configured properly for the available space.
Banner Image¶
This feature was previously named (Static) Slider Image. Not all themes have been updated to reflect the title change.
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Controls the static banner image displayed in the landing page slider section.
Due to technical limitations, the example image is not visible in the customizer panel. To replace it simply assign a different image. To remove the example image, assign any other image in its place and then remove it. Any subsequently set images are visible.
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Controls the title and text of the caption displayed together with the static slider image (on top of, before or after it, depending on theme design).
Animate Caption Title¶
Applies to: ES
Controls the presence of the animation effect on the banner image caption's title.
CTA Button(s)¶
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Controls the text and links used for call to action buttons displayed together with the static slider image (on top of, before or after it, depending on theme design).
Header Image¶
Applies to: AN BR ES FL KA RO SE VE
Displays the site's header image in the theme's landing page slider section.