Tempera 1.3.3 has a temp

Tempera is tempted to read The Tempest but she’s been feeling very temperamental lately and blames it on the high temperature. She’ll hire a temp to do the reading for her while also massaging her temples in her underground Temple.

More temp stuff plus a a fresh changelog after the jump.

Tempera 1.3(.1) becomes multilingual

Tempera decided to spend her entire vacation going to summer school. The most important feature she brought back is support for WPML and Polylang multilingualism. You will now find all of Tempera’s custom text fields in Polylang’s translations section.

The second important change is the inclusion of the WooCommerce compatibility child theme code and styling. This should improve handling WooCommerce content, making the use of the separate child theme unnecessary. For the rest of the changes see the changelog…

Tempera 1.2.7 wakes up from hibernation

It’s been a long three months of freezing winter (with massive amounts of snow in places), but Tempera is now well rested and ready to return to fighting with the higher forces.

During this first round the fight consists of mostly localization and styling fixes, with a touch of Google fonts, new translations and some IE quirks. The pièce de résistance is, of course…

Tempera 1.2.3/4/5/6 fights the system

No, we haven’t lost our mind; this is not a reverse countdown (a countup?). And we did not release a quadruple-update-in-one either.

This cryptic title deserves a decent explanation and it’s actually simpler than it seems: it appears I was overconfident on the Wordpress review process last time. While they did wonders then and managed to verify and approve two updates in the same day, the sun doesn’t always shine… in fact it got terribly dark after that. Worse still… the sun changed.

Never mess with mantra they say (or was it nirvana…)

Nirvana is now LIVE and you are a part of it!

Our latest WordPress theme, Nirvana, is now Live and available to download and install directly from WordPress.org. Now there’s absolutely no reason not to check it out.

Follow us after the jump for the celebration and the full changelog since the theme’s brief but intense existence.

Tempera 1.2.2 to the rescue

It’s not been long since the last Tempera update; unfortunately, independent of us, it has not been a successful one. The broken theme archive on Wordpress’ servers has plagued and ruined several websites without an easy fix.

Fortunately, we’ve been awake long enough to submit a new update. And the review team guys have been kind enough to already approve and publish it. So here it is, the Tempera 1.2 update (hopefully with all its files in place)…

Tempera 1.2.1 sweeps by

While everyone has their attention focused on the youngest sibling of the Cryout Creations themes family, Tempera manages to slip by a new version almost unnoticed.

Luckily we were awake enough to notice it and manage to find out the changelog just in time…

Tempera 1.2 is so great it skipped a number

It’s summer here in the northern hemisphere. And it’ll either be a hellish hot summer or a very wet one. So trying to keep you away from the Steam summer sale we are warming you up with a fresh new Tempera update.

First you might ask yourself where did the 1.1 version go to? Well, Tempera 1.1 went ahead and left for her summer vacation early. But Tempera 1.2 was nice enough to jump in ahead of time and take the spotlight. And right on queue, as this new version proves to be the largest update yet…