New site and other goodies

Our site has received a major overhaul. It has a brand new look, a new static front page, new theme pages and a lot more.

Everything is a lot more user friendly and things like support and theme information are a lot easier to find. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Tempera 1.4(.0.1) feels empty on the inside

The battle was tough, words have been said, code was written, thrown around or deleted, and although Tempera fought well the stronger powers could not be thwarted – in the end, Tempera lost its settings options…

But don’t despair. We have prepared for this moment and set up an alternative solution. As we have previously announced, we decided to retain the settings page functionality and move it to the separate Cryout Serious Theme Settings plugin.

WordPress and theme options part II – the fracture

As you might know by now, themes in the official repository are no longer allowed to implement a theme options page. All new themes were required since early this year to implement support for the Customizer and some weeks ago this rule became mandatory for themes already published in the repository as well.

We’ve given this a great deal of thought and we decided not to transfer theme options to the Customizer interface. We built our themes settings to fit and work in a certain way and we feel the Customizer structure just isn’t right for them.

To be able to continue providing theme updates…