Tempera 0.9.6 is in the zone
Welcome to yet another episode of the Tempera Theme Zone – the place where WordPress things do happen very often.
Join us after the jump to see what it’s all about. You’ll also get free popcorn and a changelog.
Welcome to yet another episode of the Tempera Theme Zone – the place where WordPress things do happen very often.
Join us after the jump to see what it’s all about. You’ll also get free popcorn and a changelog.
Are you happy with the WordPress theme you’re using? Would you consider yourself and your theme as best buds? Or do you think of your theme as sexy?
Themes are a big part of what makes WordPress great and the search for that perfect one is a long and winding road. Has that road come to and end for you?
Just as we were crossing over into the new year, this week-old update became live and Tempera made its way into WordPress’ list of most popular themes of the moment.
This is also Tempera’s first official update post so all in all it’s a pretty big moment. Anybody got any champagne left?
For all those of you that find it too much of a hustle to download and manually install themes, well, our latest theme Tempera is now live on WordPress.org so you’re really just a click away from it.
For those that manually installed it, you can now update to the latest version. Join us after the jump for the changelog and the LIVE celebration.
Our latest theme – Tempera – has finally entered beta state and is ready for download. We’re counting on you guys to give it a try and let us know what you like and what you don’t like about it, what works and what doesn’t.
For detailed release notes and the download link, join us after the jump.