WordPress Themes
Anima 1.0 is available on WordPress.org
Our Anima WordPress theme has been available to download and install freely from our site for about two months, but, as promised, it has now become available to auto install from WordPress.org (or your WordPress dashboard).
Verbosa 1.0.0 feels complete
After a long time hanging at the very edge of version 1.0, Verbosa gets some much needed attention and becomes a complete WordPress theme.
Follow us after the jump to see what goodies (*ahm* landing page *ahm*) this version brings.
Anima – a brand new WordPress theme is out now!
Anima, our latest free WordPress theme has everything our previous themes have accustomed you to, from responsiveness to SEO, plus a few extra perks.
Find out what those perks are, as well as all the download and demo links after the jump.
Septera 1.0 is a live theme on WordPress.org
Our latest theme, Septera, is finally LIVE on WordPress.org and ready for you to one-click install it and take it for a spin.
Septera is still free, it’s still awesome and it’s still brimming with personality but during the review process a few things have changed. Find out what.