Migration to a new support model

One year since opening up our support section we are now transitioning to a different support model.

This has been decided mostly by the sheer volume of support requests we have been receiving lately each day (not including the continuation of support requests from previous days).

We are a small team and we are now spending more time answering support requests (of which most are theme customization questions or WordPress general questions) than we spend developing and expanding our creations. This isn’t exactly what we wished for…

Hoping to return to our true calling, we are splitting support into two separate sections:

  • free support, which is provided via a forum – this will help us avoid repeatable questions and hopefully help build a community willing to help itself;
  • premium support via tickets (email), included for all our commercial extensions and also available via donations for our free work;

The migration will take some time to complete, in which time you may see issues in our website. We apologise for any inconveniences you may encounter during this transition.

The migration is complete. There are still some tweaks to be done but hopefully everything works as it should.