Maintenance notice

Sunday, September 8th we’ve moved things to a new server.

To keep our website content consistent we made everything read-only on the old server – no new comments / forum topics / support requests are accepted.

If you are seeing this message then you are getting content from the new server, and everything should work for you. If you encounter any issues, let us know.

Parabola 0.9.7(.2) gets approved by WordPress

Yay! Parabola has been (finally) approved by Wordpress, so it should become live in the next couple of hours/days (who knows… weeks?). and is now live and available for install with just two clicks!

There’s a bit of version mess because of the needed last minute changes required for approval. All three versions (0.9.7, and are mostly the same, the latter two coming with small changes that don’t affect the functionality in any way.

Mantra fixes the menu

Always when changing things around (theoretically improving) there’s bound for something to go wrong.

In this case, the main menu dropdown functionality failed on Wordpress installations that used the automatically-generated menu (not custom menus). But this is now fixed.

Parabola 0.9.6 and a small step back

Parabola’s first encounter with its initial Wordpress review didn’t go quite as we planned (actually it didn’t go at all as we planned; but evil master plans for taking over the world rarely work). Nonetheless, Parabola is making steps forward and the new update has already been submitted for review.

So, without further ado, here’s the changelog for version 0.9.6…

How to use the Category Page with Intro template in our themes

Our themes (including Mantra and Parabola) feature a special page template titled “Category Page with Intro” which allows us to display a category of posts coupled with a custom intro to that category.

This is a page template, so it will show up in the page templates list when creating/editing a page while using one of our themes. What is typed into the page content is what Wordpress will display as the intro on the category.

Parabola 0.9.5 is getting closer

Now this is something you don’t see everyday (or at least you didn’t until now). Two theme updates in two days.
Parabola is getting closer and closer to inclusion in the themes repository. To give it a nudge in the right direction, we are releasing another update – v0.9.5 – addressing a couple of little issues we’ve found or been told about in the meantime.

Read the rest to see the changelog.