How to use the presentation page columns

Tempera introduced a new way of defining presentation page columns contents. This new method allows for an infinite number of columns (and hopefully better support for translation plugins).

The new columns can easily grab their content from theme-specific widgets placed in the dedicated widget area, or from specially crafted posts. To learn more…

How to translate a WordPress theme II

Translating WordPress themes is actually very easy. With the help of some screenshots and some simple guidelines you’ll have your theme translated in no time.

So without further ado let’s get on with it and explain a second way of translating themes (and plugins). This procedure does not require you to play with files or install programs. All you need is the Codestyling Localization plugin for Wordpress.

Last breath of our alter ego

It was born 3 years ago. It took over Mantra and grew it to what it is today. It has lived a short but fruitful life and then it retired, spending its last year helping Cryout Creations expand it’s grip on the world.

Riot Reactions, our (evil) alter ego for about 2 years is now taking its last breath…