How to translate a WordPress theme III
Translating WordPress themes is actually very easy. With the help of screenshots and some simple guidelines you’ll have your theme translated in no time.
Fluida 1.5.0 storms in
We’ve experimented quite a bit and implemented all the advancements and improvements in our newer customizer-based themes, leaving Fluida slightly behind and functioning a bit differently.
Fluida Plus – even more than a premium theme
Today we’re happy to indulge everyone with a sneak preview to Fluida’s evil bigger twin sister – introducing Fluida Plus theme for WordPress!
Fluida 1.3.6(.1) is more mature
Today Fluida reaches the ripe age of 2. Two years of learning and discovering, of showing her many features to the world and of becoming a better theme. And she took her role of bigger sister serious and made the time to nurture and educate her younger siblings.