Ripley – A brand new face for Bravada

Ripley is a brand new child theme for Bravada. It’s our biggest and most complex child theme yet, adding quite a bit of personality to an already charming theme.

We changed the parent theme’s design and animations quite a bit, giving it a more organic look while keeping the essence of Bravada intact.

Bravada – A Brand New Full Screen WordPress Theme

Our latest WordPress theme – Bravada is just like fine wine. It has a great texture, the amazing color is envied by all others and you get a soft buzz every time you’re using it. And just like wine, only people with great taste will appreciate it at its fullest.

Follow us after the jump to find out more!

Verdant – A Kahuna Child Theme

Verdant is Kahuna’s first official child theme. Verdant is fast, lightweight and responsive. It’s also the perfect mix of performance, design and customizations. Everything you know and love about Kahuna, you’ll also find here.

Bravada 1.1.3(.1)

Changelog: v1.1.3.1 Fixed duplicate content showing when landing page slider was set to header image due to extra ‘cryout_headerimage_hook’ hook …

Autumn reflections and prospects of the future

Your may have noticed a wind down of our activities, sometimes with the ambiguous feeling that we may have gone away completely.
That has not happened…yet, and unless the universe decides otherwise, we’ll stick around for a while.