How to install a WordPress theme

Installing a WordPress theme can be easy or difficult, depending on the theme and it’s availability (or lack thereof) in the WordPress themes directory.

The automatic installation process comes very handy with published themes, but sometimes things fail or themes are not in the repository, and one must resort to the old fashioned files upload, either via WordPress or via the old fashioned FTP.  This tutorial describes all three methods.

Installing from the .org repository
Installing from a zip file
Manual (FTP) installation

More Tutorials This article is part of our WordPress general and theme specific tutorials series. For more useful information check out our tutorials section.


    1. That child theme header might be incomplete.

      Are you enqueuing the parent (Nirvana) stylesheet in the code? Otherwise, you need to load it in the child theme style.css file with @import.

      See our child theme tutorial.

    1. The same happen to me with Nirvana!!… I love the Theme but no slide,,,! why is that? I´ve already put my images in the settings,, do you have idea what can I do? thanks a lot

    1. Manual upload guarantees you are installing the latest version. Using your control panel’s “magic installer” may leave you with an older (outdated, vulnerable) WordPress installation.

  1. Pingback: How To Install WordPress Themes [VIDEO] - How To WordPress 2.0

  2. Pingback: Installing WordPress | Creating Web Interfaces

  3. I have watch an install video and seen this blog. both times the first step is to click ‘Install Theme’ but I do not have that header. Any help of why this is would be helpful.

  4. I have problems to upload images in the presentation page. Always says that it was imposible to do. Does anyone know why? The screen apears dark and the mantra menú isn´t avalaible. I need to reaload the page of the navegator.

  5. Hi,
    I followed your instruction and installed the updated version of the theme but it seems that the custom slides for presentation page is not working.Act my end .so could you please update regarding the same.So that I can proceed toward my target.
    I will be very thankful to you for the same.because my work is stuck very badly.

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