Esotera 1.3.0 returns to the path
- Added ‘cryout_preslider_hook’ hook to landing page slider section
- Added additional ‘limited’ selection for table appearance option for improved compatibility with content plugins
- Added ‘esotera_navigation_compat’ filter to allow overriding the “access” id on menu container and improve uber/mega menu compatibility
- Added generated ‘esotera-accent-1/2‘ and ‘esotera-accent-1/2-bg‘ classnames and ‘esotera-accent-1/2‘ CSS variables for the main accent colors
- Added interactive hint to WordPress’ Homepage Settings panel while using the landing page with a static homepage
- Added new social icons: AliPay, Apple, Behance, Bootstrap, Git, Gitlab, Google, Mastodon, Messenger, Microsoft, Teams, Person (simple, circle, square), QR Code, Rumble, Signal, Snapchat, Sourceforge, Substack, Telegram, Threads, Trello, Unity, Whatsapp, Xbox, and one that shall not be named
- Updated social icons: Twitter (X), Facebook, Github, Google Play, PayPal, Skype, Stripe, Steam, Spotify, Linkedin, Reddit, YouTube, WordPress (old icons are still available by adding the ‘-old’ suffix to the classnames).
- Changed default social icon for tel: links
- Renamed ‘striped‘ tables option and CSS classname
- Improved theme defaults to make all default configurable texts translatable
- Improved support for bare homepage content by removing the minimum height
- Improved styling to support more than two banner/slider caption buttons
- Improved compatibility with ShiftNav plugin by removing focus interception from buttons
- Fixed theme reset styling overriding block file buttons
- Fixed PHP 8.2+ deprecation warning in presentation page boxes filter
- Updated Cryout Framework to
- Fixed deprecated ${var} usage with PHP 8.2+
- Updated rich text schema support for comments
- Precognitively fixed erroneous white square in customize screen panels with Zynith SEO plugin
- Fixed whitespaces in font control title hint due to spaces in markup
- Fixed XSS vulnerability allowing the output of unsanitized user names set by rogue editors/contributors – reported by stealthcopter on
- Fixed erroneous itemprop=’discussionURL’ output in comments markup
- Improved accessibility:
- Side menu / mobile menu toggler
- Main menu
- Back to top button
- Loading of the built-in icon font
- Width and height attributes for portfolio images, featured images and testimonials
Plus changelog:
- Added body class identifier for currently selected personality
- Added order and orderby control options for the landing page featured boxes
- Added links functionality on phones/email in contact template and widget
- Added meta option to remove main content background color on individual posts and pages
- Added search functionality in the icons shortcode editor UI
- Added separate control option for Featured Image in Header for custom post types (Jetpack portfolios, WooCommerce products)
- Added separate section layout option for 404 page
- Improved shortcodes styling compatibility with WordPress blocks using the same .row classname
- Improved video header centered alignment
- Fixed Plus specific translations not loaded correctly
- Fixed responsiveness trigger limit not applying to top navigation between 640 and (configurable) 800px
- Fixed lefover left/right padding on full width page template
- Fixed overlay placement with Serious Slider plugin
- Fixed erroneous update availability message on unexpected reply from Plus backend API
- Bumped bundled Featured Content plugin to version 1.2.3
- Synchronized with Esoteras 1.2.6 and 1.3.0