Presentaion Page and Slideshow missing after update

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  • #35129

    Hi, just updated the theme Tempera and installed Cryout plugin. Now my slideshow and posts don´t show on the start page. The settings are just the same as before, but they are not showing.
    Does anyone got a solution to this problem?


    I had exact the same issue with a clients website. Thank God I had the previous version of the Tempera theme on my testwebsite so I could install that version again. Everything works fine now.
    On several websites I have installed the plugin WP Rollback which I can recommand highly. I forgot to install it on the website on which I used the Tempera theme but I did now. With the Rollback plugin you can put previous versions of plugins and themes back. And using a child theme offcourse will help not to loose settings. Hope that will help you in the future and I hope you will be able to get your site back to normal again.

    Eric Bray

    I have the same problem and have tried everything for an entire day to solve this issue. Frustrating. I have emailed support and am waiting to hear back.


    I updated last night and now my front page is gone?? How do I fix this?


    Same here. Slideshows not showing. What’s the fix?


    Same here. Sliders no longer showing up. All settings look correct. What’s the fix?


    Same here. Crud. No presentation page showing! No Sliders!


    I’m just another Tempera user, but I hope I can help shed some light on this issue, and what I did to “solve” it.

    According to the changelog for v1.4.0.1….

    Fixed presentation page overriding static frontpage (and malfunctioning as a result)

    I noticed my website’s presentation page had gone missing, and did this to fix it:
    1. Go to WordPress admin> Settings> Reading. Set “Front page displays” to “Your Latest Posts” (this should allow your Presentation Page to work).
    2. If you have a page you use for your blog/news posts, edit that page’s “Page Attributes” to use the “Blog Template (Posts Page)” template.
    3. If you had your “Home” page in your Custom Menu, be sure to change the menu item to a “Custom Link” with your Home page URL. Just leaving the old menu link will result in a menu link to “” which is probably not what you want.

    So, to sum up:
    There is no need to revert to the previous version of Tempera. v1.4.0.1 works fine, it you just need to change a few settings. 🙂

    I do not understand what the problem or bug was that needed to be “fixed” regarding the “Static Page” versus “Presentation Page” conflict in the previous version — It had been working fine for me. To me this “fix” creates a situation which is not very intuitive for setup in the WordPress Settings. And, a bit cumbersome to remedy on existing websites 🙁


    The issue most of us in this thread are dealing with is the sliders not showing up. Some both sliders and the presentation page. But several of us are not having any problems with our presentation page, only the sliders missing. This fix did not correct that issue.


    That fix is for the presentation page not showing up, but doesn’t fix the slider missing. Some of our sliders are missing while our presentation pages are showing everything else.


    As I wrote earlier I was lucky to have the previous version of Tempera on my testwebsite so I could download that version to my computer and upload it through FTP to the public html/themes folder of the website where I updated the new version. It overwrites the new version. My sliders and my entire homepage were gone and also the cryout columns. But I have everything back to normal now.
    Perhaps I can help by sending everyone that sends me an email address the previous version. Hopefully that will fix the problem for others too. In the meanwhile I can strongly advise to put the plugin WP Rollback in your dashboard because with that plugin you can always get an older version of a plugin or theme back.

    Nancy Gargan

    I have the same problem, mine started a couple days ago when I updated the cryout plugin. Asked for help on Cryout forum but have yet to get a response. Obviously there is a major issue. At first It was just my sliders, but in trying to fix myself I have mangaged to make my entire presentation page disappear and now only Main menu page shows which never showed before and is nothing like what I had or want. I actually run mine on a child page but it screwed up so don’t know that it made a difference as also listed above I believe. I tried resetting tempera settings to default, that has made no difference. I did try to do what Wayne said above going into settings but that did nothing to help the situation. Hopefully I can figure out how to get back to this and see if anyone else has any ideas. I am not a website specialist, I’m just a normal person struggling to figure out how to do all this supposedly easy user friendly website stuff.

    Nancy Gargan

    Second post: this is an update: so about 20 minutes after doing the change that Wayne listed above which I posted didn’t work (immediately) may have worked for me. I now have presentation page back, sliders back, just need to go in and rebuild my entire page cause in trying to fix prior to reading Wayne’s message I reset all my presentation settings to default just trying to get it to work. Hope everyone can figure this out. My Thanks to Wayne I think that worked in the end for me.


    I had the same problem as you guys. What I have done is using an old tempera version (tempera 1.2.8) that i had in my download folder and I’ve changed the name of the folder inside calling it, for example, “tempira”. That’s because when I tried to reinstall this new theme, the wordPress installer told me that it was already installed.

    If you want to try this option with the old tempera version I used it, just write me a message to my email ( and I will send it to you! Good Luck!!


    This worked for me. Brought the slider back after updating. Thanks!

    Nancy G

    Third Post, Further update, So the recommendation that Wayne made did work finally, but now I am realizing that when someone goes to my site the presentation page initially comes up but if they go to another page on my site and then want to go back to the presentation page they used to click the menu tab ‘main’ and it went to presentation page now it does NOT it goes to a main page that has always been an unseen page in the past that was only partially developed initially because it was never seen since presentation page was always the ‘home/main’ page. Any ideas or suggestions on how to make the presentation page stay as the ‘main/home’ page all the time?

    Michael Shnaiderman

    I have followed Wayne’s instructions.

    This indeed resolve the main page back to normal, but going back to the HP from other pages, will bring you back to the faulty HP.


    I have the same problem. I used Wayne’s trick under reading, but now by column links to other pages do not work. Thouhgts? I check the links and they’re correct.


    For those who want to get this fixed through installing the previous version: 1.4 I offer to send it by email. Please send me an email: carlavrooij ad (no blanks and @ in stead of ad). I helped someone already today to get his website back to normal and I offer my help to you all. I send you the zipfile which you can install through FTP into the public html/themes folder. When the names of both files are the same (tempera) it will override the newer version. That is how I got my Homepage back to normal again. So for those who are interested please send me an email.


    Anyone heard back from support yet on this issue (slideshow not displaying)? We’ve got empty looking sites out there and need a fix, fast.


    I´ve got the slides back, but I had to change my presentationspage from a static page, to last post page. Don´t know why, beacause previosly I had a static page and my slides where showing… Next problem is, now my postpage (the one I had as postpage before) doesn´t show any posts. Have to look in to that and try what WayneM wrote about change settings. Hope to fix it that way.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Tempera previously had a bug by which it displayed the presentation page (minus some styling) even when a static page was set as the homepage.
    WordPress theme guidelines request that setting a static page takes precedence over theme settings, so we have corrected this in

    For the presentation page to be visible, the Frontpage displays option need to be set to Your latest posts.

    Edit: Please see page 2 for more in-depth information.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Zed.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Zed / Cryout Creations, My front page is set to latest posts. The issue in this thread is about slider not showing. The presentation page is showing and set to ‘latest posts’. See the title of this thread. There is a separate thread started for the entire presentation page issue. So, is there a fix for those of us that are not having an issue with the presentation page being displayed, but sliders not showing up on the presentation page, & throughout the entire site? I have submitted support forms for this as well, with no response in almost 3 days.


    Sorry, nothing works the same anymore. Hope that problems can by resolved today, else i have to choose another Theme. Not happy

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Brad, as I have already answered to your comments, you are having javascript issues on your site. You need to identify which plugin is causing them.

    Albert, the solution is acceptably simple and is described above.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Zed, Sorry but nothing about java from you. Not here, or support. Support for this is terrible and will never touch anything from Cryout. Sorry. And of course we did deactivate all plugins, every last one of them, to illuminate any java issues, before asking for support. There are no conflicts.


    Just followed Zed and WayneM tips and Tempera is again as it was:
    -showing “Presentation” page with slider and Cryout columns.



    Zed, Brad is right, your fix for this problem is NOT working for most of us. I tried it and yes, it restored the presentation page and slider as it was, but it make disappear the blog page instead. The problem started only when I installed Cryout plugin, so please, could you try and see what is happening? My website is my business and my job, so I’m really anxious to have running again.
    Thanks for your help,
    Sanda Reynolds


    I am having the same problems. My presentation page is present but they whole layout that I created is gone. No sliders. nothing. The fixes recommended are not working. My presentation page – home page is there. But sliders and layout are all gone. when go into settings, there isn’t a section that says “reading set front page displays” And in settings it show that I have my sliders set up, it shows my photos uploaded and the headings and sub headings – but none of it displays


    I have downloaded Tempera for a new project. Have been unable to get sliders to show and came here looking for tips. Looks like this is actually a bug and support is being unresponsive and maybe a bit standoffish. True it is a free download and I don’t expect support for every problem that crops up. But I certainly don’t expect to hear petty accusations trying to blame javascript issues when it is obvious that many people are reporting the same problem. Glad that I am free to switch off to another template for this project.

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